Tuesday, August 08, 2006

If only they ask parents like you

Ever wonder how much time and money researchers would save if only they ask you? Consider what researchers found out recently:

  • Breast-fed children cope better with stressful situations. This is according to a study by Dr. Scott Montgomery, an epidemiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Montgomery, quoted by a Reuters report (08/02/06), remains uncertain why breast-fed babies are less anxious. He, however, suggests that—among others—the physical contact between the mother and the child during breastfeeding may have something to do with it. The study took 10 years to complete.

  • Children who are read to at an early age—possibly as young as 14 months—have better language skills and cognitive development. This is according to a study published in the Child Development journal, as reported by the United Press International (07/17/06). In that study, children who were read to starting at about 12 to 14 months of age appeared to possess more advanced language comprehension skills compared to children who were read to starting at 2 or 3 years old. The study involved 2,500 families in 17 communities across the United States.

  • Homework should not be done in front of a television. This is according to a study published by UCLA psychologist in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Study co-author Russell Poldrack, a UCLA associate professor of psychology, say multi-tasking (like doing homework while watching television) impairs a child’s ability to learn. “When distractions force you to pay attention to what you are doing, you don’t learn as well as if you had paid full attention,” Poldrack, as quoted by the Psych Central (07/06/06), says. The study used functional magnetic resonance images (fMRI), an expensive technique to spot active brain areas.
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